Parent’s Guide to
Proactive IEP Planning

You will be prepared to have meaningful participation in your child’s next IEP meeting.

  • Step-by-step guide to ensuring you have meaningful participation in your child’s IEP meeting.

  • A straight forward plan for you to clarify exactly what you want addressed in your child’s next IEP.

  • No brainer email and letter templates done for you.

  • Guidance on how to review the draft IEP and give your further input.

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Just $7!

The Complete Guide to Understanding Special Education & Your Child’s IEP.

This comprehensive guide is packed with everything you need to become an effective collaborative IEP team member.

Whether your child is not yet assessed, in the process of being assessed, or already receiving special education services, this guide is for you. You will learn:

  • the language of special education including acronyms and related services

  • how that IEP is developed

  • your child’s rights

  • what must be included in your child’s IEP

  • your parental rights

  • how to set up your own files so you are organized and ready for everything

You also get a WORKBOOK to help you process through the huge amount of information in the guide. Everything is in one place and easily accessible.

Only $47!

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